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    Inicio » Blog » How is colposcopy performed?
    Clínica Ginecológica

    How is colposcopy performed?

    Once the uterine cervix is exposed, it is viewed directly through the colposcope according to the enlarged image required. Any vaginal fluid can be absorbed with a gauze or swab and is later cleaned with diluted acetic acid, which in addition to effectively cleaning away the fluid and cellular material also highlights any cells of the uterine cervix that may present abnormalities.

    Once these areas have been identified, the uterine cervix can be stained with a lugol solution known as Schiller’s test, which is rich in iodine. Under the effects of female hormones, the normal uterine cervix cells contain glucogen, which stains with iodine. Thus its dark brown colour cannot be seen in a woman who still has periods, except for those areas where there are epithelial lesions. The examination lasts from 4 to 10 min

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